How can I help you?
Dear all,
I hope this post finds you well during these extraordinary and difficult times. I am reaching out to you to see if you need any help in two areas in particular:
Digital Engagement & Communication
I recognise that digital engagement with your school community is more crucial than ever and I want to support you with any challenges you have in this space. If I can help you drive engagement levels and communication within your school community in any way, please reach out to me and together I am sure we can find opportunities. Or perhaps you’re overwhelmed with needing to get information out and need a helping hand - please reach out and let’s see how I can make it easier.
A few options/examples of ideas I am thinking of:
All-staff webinars, Q&A sessions etc. accessible from any device
Webinars & Q&A’s for your parent community and students accessible from any device
Pushing remote learning content through the app and/or website and to your email subscribers
Remote Teaching & Learning
I am also sensitive to the fact that you are embracing new ways to teach and learn remotely. As some of you will know from some of our conversations, this is a space I have been actively researching over the past year and with the sudden need to find new ways to teach remotely, I am currently in the process of planning trials in a few West Cork primary schools to explore a viable platform to teach remotely.
So, again - if you face challenges here, please reach out to me and let’s see if I can help you, my contact details are below.
Warmest Wishes,
Michel Colaci
screenzest digital
t: 086 047 2078